Wednesday, September 17, 2014

New OSHA Recordkeeping Rule

Okay, so it's been awhile since my last post!  Anyway, here's some news of which you need to be aware.

Remember that OSHA rule that said you must call OSHA to report any fatalities within 8 hours?  Or to report hospitalization of 3 or more employees?  Well, that rule is about to change!

The new rule, effective on 1 January 2015, like the old rule, requires the reporting of any fatalities within 8 hours.  However, under the new rule, you will also have to report any work-related in-patient hospitalizations, amputations or losses of an eye within 24 hours.  I don't really think that this is a bad thing, because we are all trying to avoid those occurrences anyway.   But, I might have missed the rule change had I skipped the September meeting of my ASSE Chapter.

Want more info on the new rule change?  Click Here!
Want more information on how to join the American Society of Safety Engineers?  Click Here!